Mystic games are found here. You will also find things that didn't fit on the zodiac games page.
We have set up all kinds of gizmos to play with on this page. We have used all of them and thought they would be amusing for you.
Please do come here, when you could use some fun, future predictions. You could try an automated free I Ching reading or Rune reading. Maybe you would prefer to get an automated free tarot reading. Maybe determine what is coming in the future with another Oracle reading.
In addition to all that, find out if you and your lover match with the love calculator. Come here when you need to know your daily lucky numbers. Want to know more about yourself? Check out the free numerology calculator.
Save our site in your bookmarks and come here often.
Remember, Although you may get lucky and find something that does relate to your situation, these are just for fun that's why this page is games page.
Ff you want a real reading find a qualified reader, you may find one on our Interesting Websites page.
That’s all for now on Mystic games, we hope it's fun.
We will keep looking for more fun thingamajig’s, gizmo's and doodads to add for you.
Have you heard of the I Ching? You may know it as the Book of Changes or the Classic of Changes. I
know it as the Book of changes myself. It focuses in on Ying/Yang
balance, how things develop and change and accepting that change.
Read your free I Ching
of Day
Get a Tarot Reading
Free ESP Test
Do you have extrasensory perception?
Have a go of the Magic 8 ball Just enter your query in the space provided. |
Have a go of the Magic 8 ball
Just enter your query in the space provided.
Free Love Tarot Reading
To use this tarot reader you will have to do a bit of scrolling, sorry... Here are the directions:
Click on get love tarot readings, to start. You will see the words Communication/The partner/Love/The present/Dream/Friendship and Sex.
Think of your situation, take a deep breath and try to stay focused, while you double click on your pick of cards and drag them to position.
It will automatically load your answers.
Author Note*I like to close my eyes a bit and feel my way to the cards that I pick. It takes practice though.
On to your free love tarot reading.
Have ever used or do you use Indian Mantras to help your spirituality? Would you like to try some out?
Click on the book to open it's pages. Click on the open book to change the Mantras within.
Have ever used or do you use Indian Mantras to help your spirituality? Would you like to try some out?
Click on the book to open it's pages. Click on the open book to change the Mantras within.
Go from Mystic games to Astrology love signs Homepage
© M.Augustin
Last Updated:
03/27/2025 13:40:16
Copying for personal offline use is fine. If you are copying for online use please give credit with a link to this page. Thank you.
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