What Does a Retrograde Rotation Planet Mean?

Telling someone what a planet in retrograde rotation/motion is, isn't simple to do, especially when it's in a birth chart.

The traits that are described for a retrograde planet within a chart are as varied as the people who study astrology.

Some people say that the impact of a planet in retrograde rotation is just below our level of knowing.

Some just say dismal and distressing things about retrogrades.

The effect a retrograde planet gives is different from the impact of a direct motion planet.

An explanation of what is retrograde motion/ retrograde rotation planet?

You see, a planet is going direct(forward) then it stops( station) and reverses through the Signs (retrograde) then it stops, makes a station again and starts to go direct again (forward).

In a natal chart , retrogrades  take up a specific push, it make an impression when it's in a birth chart. 

You determine a retrograde planet in your chart by looking to the Rx symbol next to the planet glyph.

Now that you know what a retrograde is, here are some more birth chart retrogrades.

Remember these traits are general, you'd need to get a birth chart to know how all the aspects, for the entire story.

Retrograde Uranus in a Birth Chart

With the Uranus in  retrograde rotation at birth you feel you have a better handle on your life.

You have a more conventional attitude than Uranus direct people.

The place you find Aquarius sitting along with the space that Uranus itself occupies will tell you what area this is strongest in.
You along with other Uranus retrograde people are the people than can take something old and redesign it making it useful for the world.

For an example,  I had a feeling writing this.  I had a quick gut reaction that Steve Jobs may have had a retrograde Uranus. So... what to do?

I stopped writing and went looking and I found this:

Steve Jobs 1

Steve Jobs 2

Steve Jobs:

Was born under Uranus retrograde in Cancer
Uranus:24° 08' 06'Rx in Cancer
(and to me one keyword with Cancer is the Home)

Aquarius sits in the Mercury House  and it's a retrograde Mercury:
14° 21'42 Rx in Aquarius
(and keywords for Mercury communication/computers).

How exciting,  yes?

So having a retrograde Uranus makes you imaginative and innovative.

You are able to formulate rational of knowledge  with less difficulty than a  direct Uranus born person. The cause of this is the fact that you comprehend things through a higher state of mind.

You are part of the avant-garde ; you search things out to find the answers and then you share those answers with others.

You are also carefree of the normal feelings that most of us have of "what do other people think of me".

Your path is not part of the beaten one and you have a blast moving on it.

When it comes to romance and relationships having a retrograde Uranus does not make it easy.

You are mutable and that doesn't bode well for a stable relationship.

You head and heart are forever in conflict. Your head says one thing and that seems right and your heart says another and that too seems right.

Mostly if you think about it you are either intensely shy  or  intensely outgoing.

When it comes to your frame of mind you are one or the other you are not a half way in between person.

Having this amazing Retrograde, I believe you should channel your "rebel without a cause" attitude into a cause and be an accelerator of the positive things that can help change the world.

Change is  a good thing, experimentation? Also,  good thing. Go in and rock the boat!

With a Uranus retrograde you may notice that, loose ends seem to come back to be tied up, situations abruptly arise that need to be reassessed.

You may regard your experiences in a un-involved manner, without feeling too much about any of it,  yet you operate comfortably in your daily life.

Uranus retrograde rotation/motion means that:

  • Deep down you feel unlike other people.
  • May have a hard time discovering where in the world you fit in.
  • Think again and again about how you might convey your defiance.
  • Adapt or adjust yourself to the norm, but deep down,  you want to turn away from the expected course. If forced to do this too long you will challenge things and rebel.
  • May like to drive things to extreme points.

Retrograde Neptune in a Birth Chart

A Neptune in retrograde rotation at birth establishes in you a motivation to help.

Reading this I had a feeling that maybe... Oprah Winfrey has this? And when I searched for it , yes!  she does.

Oprah Winfrey 1

Oprah Winfrey 2

Neptune 26° 03' 46' in Libra

You are a fighter for the world or your world. You give a lot , but this leaves you feeling loved by others and of use to them.

You have a desire to be needed. When it comes to love and devotion you are willing to do what you have to in order to get them.

Where Pisces sits in your chart and the house that Neptune is tells the area that is most important to this retrograde.

Not many people know what thoughts you have in your mind, they can't easily deduce what you're thinking.

You may be disposed to assessing, meditating on and  reflecting on their gut reaction, and impressions. 

If you are artistic, which you probably are, you would be a great teacher of the arts for people who have no talent at all.

You'd  be an adept tutor helping others understand numbers to be better at Math.

Having a Neptune retrograde rotation your chart means that:

You may blame yourself when things go wrong even if it's not your fault because you're always walking around with guilty feelings inside.

You may put on an air of invincibility, but deep down,  you may be hypersensitive.

You may daydream and live in your imagination because you feel suppressed by the real world. Check the House that Neptune lives in your chart to see where this takes place.

If  Neptune retrograde is impaired, you daydream too much and may be "somewhere else" all the time.

You may be introverted and may tend to assess and meditate on your gut feelings.

Retrograde Uranus in a Birth Chart

With the Uranus in  retrograde rotation at birth you feel you have a better handle on your life.

You have a more conventional attitude than Uranus direct people.

The place you find Aquarius sitting along with the space that Uranus itself occupies will tell you what area this is strongest in.
You along with other Uranus retrograde people are the people than can take something old and redesign it making it useful for the world.

For an example,  I had a feeling writing this.  I had a quick gut reaction that Steve Jobs may have had a retrograde Uranus. So... what to do?

I stopped writing and went looking and I found this:

Steve Jobs 1

Steve Jobs 2

Steve Jobs:

Was born under Uranus retrograde in Cancer
Uranus:24° 08' 06'Rx in Cancer
(and to me one keyword with Cancer is the Home)

Aquarius sits in the Mercury House  and it's a retrograde Mercury:
14° 21'42 Rx in Aquarius
(and keywords for Mercury communication/computers).

How exciting,  yes?

So having a retrograde Uranus makes you imaginative and innovative.

You are able to formulate rational of knowledge  with less difficulty than a  direct Uranus born person.

The cause of this is the fact that you comprehend things through a higher state of mind.

You are part of the avant-garde; you search things out to find the answers and then you share those answers with others.

You are also carefree of the normal feelings that most of us have of "what do other people think of me".

Your path is not part of the beaten one and you have a blast moving on it.

When it comes to romance and relationships having a retrograde Uranus does not make it easy.

You are mutable and that doesn't bode well for a stable relationship.

Your head and heart are forever in conflict. Your head says one thing and that seems right and your heart says another and that too seems right.

Mostly if you think about it you are either intensely shy or  intensely outgoing.

When it comes to your frame of mind you are one or the other you are not a half way in between person.

Having this amazing Retrograde, I believe you should channel your "rebel without a cause" attitude into a cause and be an accelerator of the positive things that can help change the world.

Change is a good thing, experimentation? Also, good thing.

Go in and rock the boat!

With a Uranus retrograde you may notice that,  loose ends seem to come back to be tied up, situations abruptly arise that need to be reassessed. 

You may regard your experiences in a uninvolved manner, without feeling too much about any of it,  yet you operate comfortably in your daily life.

Uranus retrograde rotation/motion means that:

  • Deep down you feel unlike other people.
  • May have a hard time discovering where in the world you fit in.
  • Think again and again about how you might convey your defiance.
  • Adapt or adjust yourself to the norm, but deep down,  you want to turn away from the expected course. If forced to do this too long you will challenge things and rebel.
  • May like to drive things to extreme points.

Retrograde Neptune in a Birth Chart

A Neptune in retrograde rotation at birth establishes in you a motivation to help.

Reading this I had a feeling that maybe... Oprah Winfrey has this? And when I searched for it , yes!  she does.

Oprah Winfrey 1

Oprah Winfrey 2

Neptune 26° 03' 46' in Libra

You are a fighter for the world or your world. You give a lot , but this leaves you feeling loved by others and of use to them.

You have a desire to be needed. When it comes to love and devotion you are willing to do what you have to in order to get them.

Where Pisces sits in your chart and the house that Neptune is tells the area that is most important to this retrograde.

Not many people know what thoughts you have in your mind, they can't easily deduce what you're thinking.

You may be disposed to assessing, meditating on and  reflecting on their gut reaction, and impressions. 

If you are artistic, which you probably are, you would be a great teacher of the arts for people who have no talent at all.

You'd  be an adept tutor helping others understand numbers to be better at Math.

Having a Neptune retrograde rotation your chart means that:

You may blame yourself when things go wrong even if it's not your fault because you're always walking around with guilty feelings inside.

You may put on an air of invincibility, but deep down,  you may be hypersensitive.

You may daydream and live in your imagination because you feel suppressed by the real world. Check the House that Neptune lives in your chart to see where this takes place.

If  Neptune retrograde is impaired, you daydream too much and may be "somewhere else" all the time.

You may be introverted and may tend to assess and meditate on your gut feelings.

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